Open application for Copenhagen
Rekryteringen sker löpande så vänta inte för länge med att skicka in din ansökan. Vem vet? Det kanske är just dig vi behöver!
Open Application for Copenhagen?
If you didn't find any job ads matching your competencies, please don't hesitate to register into our CV database.
All you need to do is attach your motivation letter, CV with information about your education- and business experiences, along with other documents that you think could be relevant to us.
It will be of great relevance if you remember to write which type of position you would like to be considered for.
For information please contact
Peter Aagaard Kristensen, Vice President Technology (Copenhagen)Tel +45 51 54 33 66, E-post
Är detta jobb något för dig?
30 personer har tittat på det här jobbet den senaste tiden
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